Monday, April 6, 2009


It's not like I don't have anything to do, it's that I have lots to do but I've done so much of it already that I had to go through about four cups of hot chocolate just to keep awake.
Here you go.

Rules:--Go to and type in your answers to the following questions.--Post one of the first definitions for your answer.

Your name?
Elena: Elena is another word for perfect. The root of the word comes from ancient fairy world, where perfect beings were called ELENA not many of them survived through time but some are still among us.

Your age?
18: Eighteen, as in the number 18. Before 19, after 17.
I turned 18 today! You're 81, moron.

Your favorite food?
Pasta: a codename for various drugs (what isn’t a codename for drugs these days?!)

What should you be doing?
Homework: Homework is a form of suppressing a child's individual interests so that they do not develop any ideas of individual worth and proceed to fill a job that is needed to keep everything functioning properly when he or she is not at school.

Your favorite color?
Yellow: that song by Coldplay
~Look at the stars, Look how they shine for you, And everything you do, Yeah, they were all yellow.~

Russia: A really big and very cool country in the east. Managed to crush the Nazi occupation force after a decisive tank battle in the fields of Kursk. Currently fighting the rebels, as of yet they are the only country to do anything effective to fight global terrorism.

Birth month?
February: the month that confuses the heck out of people who don’t know that 28+1=29 and also the month that gives women the best excuse to ask for expensive jewelry.

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