Thursday, March 26, 2009

Basketball & Stuff.

This morning I got to school at 7am just so I could get me some basketball tickets. It’s insane--like people decided to think of nothing but basketball for three days straight.
All the hallways are super-decorated and everyone is going insane.
I guess "basketball" and "Hoosiers" are two pretty inseparable concepts, but nobody really knew how inseparable they really were until now.
This is the first time that the boys team will be going to the state championship since...1919?
Do you have any idea how many tickets they sold yesterday? Yes, over 3500 In one day! So I was hoping to get in on this ticket-purchasing frenzy.

Yesterday, even though it was raining, the line stretched all the way around the school. People were basically in mortal combat over parking spots in the front lot--which clearly prevented any students from parking there and therefore everyone was late to class in the morning becuase they couldn't park.
So today they decided to not start ticket sales until 8 am. Which means I had an hour. Which doesn’t make sense, but not much else in this life does.
And since I do the morning announcements I couldn’t even get in line until 8:05. By then, though, I was hearing talk around the office along the lines of “if we let everyone who is in line right now get 2 tickets we are going to run out”. Panic mode!
Really, though, how are they going to run out of seats in this place::::

Conseco Fieldhouse is huge! There is no way they’re out of tickets! Yes, they have to sell to the “general public”. But doesn’t it make more sense if you sell all the tickets you can to people from our town instead of from elsewhere?! Doesn’t make any sense.

The sanity of the world is long-lost. As we have established long ago, actually.


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