Friday, March 27, 2009

Cause we all love LolCat.

I have a bit of an addiction to lolcats. I subscribe to their blog feeds and I've read all their macros (the official name for the captioned pictures), yes, I've read them all (since they updated the first shots onto their site in 2007), and I save my favorite ones.
This morning one of my friends was working on an informative speech for her speech class on the topic of lolcats, so I decided to help her out with some research.

Here's what I found.
This is priceless.


There has been some controversy (of course) about disrespect to ancient scriptures and concepts and all that. Well, I'm Christian, and I think it's clever, witty, and funny! It gives the Bible a certain edge and shows that God does have a sense of humor. Especially if you read the Old Testament in lolspeak--some of those translations really show you how wonderful God really is. (And, of course, this project is only recommended for those Christians who have read through the Bible and know what's going on. Don't just read the lol version. :))
Here are some excerpts that I found funny:

Romans 1:4
NIV: "and who through the Spirit of holiness was declared with power to be the Son of God by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord."
LOL: "an we can knows he r teh son uf Ceiling Cat cuz he wuz ded, then zomg, he r alive."

Romans 1:13
NIV: "I do not want you to be unaware, brothers, that I planned many times to come to you (but have been prevented from doing so until now)"
LOL: "I tryed to visit u lots of tiems but I never cud. Monorail Cat was deraild an stuffs."

Romans 1:23-24
NIV: "and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires"
LOL: "They dun wurship Ceiling Cat. They wurship teh idols like Booda, but he eets too mani cheezbrgrs. Wy u wanna wurship him? So Ceiling Cat ses FIEN! BE DAT WAY!"

Or here's this:
"I calz her "whoa man", k cuz she in ur chest stealin ur ribs. Srsly ... "
"Nadab an Abihu litted they sensas on fiah, an smellies, an gived it to Ceiling Cat. Ceiling Cat was laik: “DO NOT WANT”."
"Moses was laik: “WTG Ceiling Cat! Ceiling Cat rox!” and Aaron was laik: “…”."

Anyways. Judge for yourselves. Check it out.


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