Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious day!

Every morning after I do the morning announcements I drop the papers in the tray, pick up my books, and give the people in the office a cheery parting greeting usually along the lines of “everyone have a good day!” or “everybody take care!”. Everyone usually replies with either “you too, honey” or “thank you, have a good day”.

Today, just because it’s a Tuesday and I have been at school since 6:50 in the morning, I decided to switch it up and over-emphasize the wonderful cheerfulness of the day (I do that a lot).

“Everyone have the most amazingly super-awesome day!” I called today.
“You too, honey, have a good day!” everyone called (that, or a variation of that).

And then I had an interesting revelation: I wished everyone a good day once, and everyone wished me a good day right back. We are called to bless others, and when we do our blessings are brought back to us and multiplied. Therefore, whatever we wish to others will be brought back to us. Whatever we give will be multiplied and given back to us.

I don’t know what the exact verse reference is for this one, but it’s somewhere in Matthew I’m sure. Here’s the main point, though (however you apply this metaphorically): if you want to have the most amazingly super-awesome day, let go of it for yourself and wish it to someone else first. Then it’ll come back to you in more ways than you can imagine.

Comic not quite fitting but funny regardless.


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